This blogging thing and I have a love/hate relationship.
On one hand, I love being able to have an outlet for my thoughts, family updates, and my opinions on things going on in this crazy world of ours. It can be pretty therapeutic, especially in light of how blogging and twittering (is that a word?) and facebooking (again, is this a word?) have made our world a lot smaller than it used to be.
On the other hand, it's hard to make myself sit down and write, edit and post something that resembles a coherent thought. I think this is what Dr. Matalene, my junior year Advanced Writing professor, warned me about--lack of discipline.
That said, on today, my 31st birthday, I've decided that I will continue to blog, at least twice a week. Even if it's just a brief paragraph or two, or just a brief thought or verse that I've been thinking about. And as for my Heidelberg Catechism posts, I will resume those this Sunday right where we left off from last year.
That said, I've gotta run...I'm taking the February 6th LSAT, and I meet with my tutor tonight, so I want to take some time to eat lunch and do some conceptual work.
But before I go, here's a good article from Donald Whitney about taking stock of one's life. Enjoy!
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