Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Since I had a few minutes, I just want to send out a reminder (or, in some cases, an advisement) about Free Comic Book Day this Saturday, May 1, 2010.  Check out the website for more info, i.e. what comic stores plan to participate, what books each publisher is offering, etc. 

Usually, the big two companies (DC, Image and Marvel) will put out a LOT of superhero offerings, but if you're not into all of the Superhero madness the independent publishers will put out a few good books, too.  My wife Jenn and I became a fan of The Stuff of Legend and Bayou as a result of Free Comic Day.  I also ended up getting a free reprint of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic last year. 

In addition to the free books, most comic stores will have some VERY good sales that day.  Although the budget doesn't call for much, I'm hoping to fill out my Incredible Hulk collection (one of my lifelong goals is to get both of Peter David's Hulk runs either in trade format or the actual issues).

So, whether you're a longtime comics fan, a newcomer, or someone who grew up with comics and has been out of the loop for a few years, pop into your local comics store.  Hopefully, you'll be glad you did.      

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