Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thoughts from Paralegal Land...

It's been a year since I swapped duties in my office and became a Court/Trial Paralegal, two years since I started with the Agency (TM), and a little over two years since I completed my Paralegal studies.  Many jobs have learning curves, but I think that for the first time, I think I actually understand my job.  I finally feel confident when a judge asks me a question, or if I have to talk to an Attorney or a Paralegal who's unfamiliar with DSS policies and procedures, and even arguing with starting spirited and emotional discussions with some of the other Case Workers, Paralegals, and Attorneys in our office.  It's becoming natural for me.

However, what comes with that confidence is a bit of sadness.  While rebuilding one of my Trial Files, I finally had a chance to really pay attention to a lot of the Court Orders and other reports and such (that I will not discuss here because I like my job and need to feel* my family), and I finally realized that one aspect of my work that I often forget is that each piece of paper in our court files has to do with people, all made in God's Image.

Often, the trappings of a legal career--hearings, trials, mediations, depositions--can all become a huge game of chess or Risk, with Paralegals and Attorneys focused on building an amazing win/loss record and climbing up the Golden Chains of Success and Power.  One thing I think we often forget is that all of our work in the industry has to do with people and the best interest of our clients and (hopefully) any other folks involved in the matter.  I realize now that if I ever reach the point in my career in the legal field that I become numb to the fact that my work and actions has a direct impact on my fellow man and get caught up in the Golden Chain climb, I need to find another line of work.

*Okay, I know, it's supposed to be FEED my family, not feel.  Well. ay least my Bride will be happy to see that.  :-)

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