Monday, November 30, 2009

Today's Meditation

A verse that keeps popping into my mind is Matthew 10:28.  In the ESV, it reads:

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

I've often struggled with having more fear of those around me rather than fear of the True, Living God.  I pray that He forgives me of this misplaced fear, and that my fear of him grows as my fear of man diminishes. 

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Heidelberg Catechism, Week 9

Lord’s Day 9
26. What do you believe when you say: “I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth?”
That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who of nothing made heaven and earth with all that in them is,1 who likewise upholds, and governs the same by His eternal counsel and providence,2 is for the sake of Christ, His Son, my God and my Father,3 in whom I so trust as to have no doubt that He will provide me with all things necessary for body and soul;4 and further, that whatever evil He sends upon me in this troubled life, He will turn to my good;5 for He is able to do it, being Almighty God,6 and willing also, being a faithful Father.7
1 Gen 1-2; Ex 20:11; Job 38-39; Ps 33:6; Isa 44:24; Acts 4:24, 14:15; Col 1:16; Heb 11:3; 2 Ps 104:2-5, 27-30, 115:3; Mt 6:30, 10:29-30; Acts 17:24-25; Eph 1:11; Heb 1:3; 3 Mt 6:8; Jn 1:12-13; Rom 8:15-16; Gal 4:4-7; Eph 1:5, 3:14-16; 4 Ps 55:22, 90:1-2; Mt 6:25-26; Lk 12:22-31; 5 Acts 17:27-28; Rom 8:28; 6 Gen 18:14; Rom 8:31-39, 10:12; 7 Num 23:19; Mt 6:32-33, 7:9-11
(source: URC Learning)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thoughts from Paralegal Land...

It's been a year since I swapped duties in my office and became a Court/Trial Paralegal, two years since I started with the Agency (TM), and a little over two years since I completed my Paralegal studies.  Many jobs have learning curves, but I think that for the first time, I think I actually understand my job.  I finally feel confident when a judge asks me a question, or if I have to talk to an Attorney or a Paralegal who's unfamiliar with DSS policies and procedures, and even arguing with starting spirited and emotional discussions with some of the other Case Workers, Paralegals, and Attorneys in our office.  It's becoming natural for me.

However, what comes with that confidence is a bit of sadness.  While rebuilding one of my Trial Files, I finally had a chance to really pay attention to a lot of the Court Orders and other reports and such (that I will not discuss here because I like my job and need to feel* my family), and I finally realized that one aspect of my work that I often forget is that each piece of paper in our court files has to do with people, all made in God's Image.

Often, the trappings of a legal career--hearings, trials, mediations, depositions--can all become a huge game of chess or Risk, with Paralegals and Attorneys focused on building an amazing win/loss record and climbing up the Golden Chains of Success and Power.  One thing I think we often forget is that all of our work in the industry has to do with people and the best interest of our clients and (hopefully) any other folks involved in the matter.  I realize now that if I ever reach the point in my career in the legal field that I become numb to the fact that my work and actions has a direct impact on my fellow man and get caught up in the Golden Chain climb, I need to find another line of work.

*Okay, I know, it's supposed to be FEED my family, not feel.  Well. ay least my Bride will be happy to see that.  :-)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Heidelberg Catechism, Weeks 7 and 8

I didn't get a chance to post last week; Jenn and I were out of town, and, once again, life got in the way of posting.  I plan on doing a better job of keeping up with my blog in the future.

In the meantime, here are weeks 7 and 8 of the Catechism.  Once again, this translation can be found at the URC Learning web page.  

Lord’s Day 7
20. Are all men, then, saved by Christ as they have perished in Adam?
No, only those who by true faith are ingrafted into Him and receive all His benefits.1
1 Ps 2:12; Mt 7:14; Jn 1:12-13, 3:16, 18, 36; Rom. 11:16-21; 1 Cor 15:22; Heb 4:2-3, 10:39
21. What is true faith?
True faith is not only a sure knowledge whereby I hold for truth all that God has revealed to us in His Word,1 but also a hearty trust,2 which the Holy Spirit3 works in me by the Gospel,4 that not only to others, but to me also,5 forgiveness of sins, everlasting righteousness, and salvation are freely given by God,6 merely of grace, only for the sake of Christ’s merits.7
1 Jn 17:3, 17; Heb 11:1-3; Jas 1:6, 2:19; 2 Rom 4:16-21, 5:1, 10:10; Heb 4:16; 3 2 Cor 4:13; Php 1:19, 29; 4 Acts 16:4; Rom 1:16, 10:17; 1 Cor 1:21; 5 Gal 2:20; 6 Rom. 1:17; Heb 10:10, 11:1-2; 7 Acts 10:43; Rom 3:20-26; Gal 2:16; Eph 2:7-10
22. What, then, is necessary for a Christian to believe?
All that is promised us in the Gospel,1 which the articles of our catholic, undoubted Christian faith teach us in summary.
1 Mt 28:19-20; Jn 20:30-31; 2 Tim 3:15; 2 Pt 1:21

23. What are these articles?
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, a holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
Lord’s Day 8
24. How are these articles divided?
Into three parts: the first is of God the Father and our creation; the second, of God the Son and our redemption; the third, of God the Holy Spirit and our sanctification.1
1 1 Pt 1:2
25. Since there is but one Divine Being,1 why do you speak of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?
Because God has so revealed Himself in His Word,,2 that these three distinct persons are the one, true, eternal God.
1 Deut 6:4; Isa 44:6, 45:5; 1 Cor 8:4-6; 2 Gen 1:2-3; Ps 110:1; Isa 61:1, 63:8-10; Mt 3:16-17, 28:18-19; Lk 4:18; Jn 14:26, 15:26; 2 Cor 13:14; Gal 4:6; Tit 3:5-6

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Heidelberg Catechism, Week 6

Lord’s Day 6
16. Why must He be a true and righteous man?
Because the justice of God requires that the same human nature which has sinned should make satisfaction for sin;1 but one who is himself a sinner cannot satisfy for others.2
1 Rom 5:12, 15; 1 Cor 15:21; Heb 2:14-16; 2 Isa 53:3-5; Heb 7:26-27; 1 Pt 3:18
17. Why must He also be true God?
That by the power of His Godhead1 He might bear in His manhood the burden of God’s wrath,2 and so obtain for3 and restore to us righteousness and life.4
1 Isa 9:5; 2 Dt 4:24; Isa 53:8; Ps 130:3; Nah 1:6; Acts 2:24; 3 Jn 3:16; Acts 20:28; 4 Isa 53:5, 11; 2 Cor 5:21; 1 Jn 1:2
18. But who now is that Mediator, who in one person is true God and also a true and righteous man?
Our Lord Jesus Christ,1 who is freely given unto us for complete redemption and righteousness. 2
1 Mt 1:21-23; Lk 2:11; 1 Tim 2:5, 3:16; 2 Acts 4:12; 1 Cor 1:30
19. From where do you know this?
From the Holy Gospel, which God Himself first revealed in Paradise,1 afterwards proclaimed by the holy patriarchs2 and prophets,3 and foreshadowed by the sacrifices and other ceremonies of the law,4 and finally fulfilled by His well-beloved Son.5
1 Gen 3:15; 2 Gen 12:3, 22:18, 49:10-11; 3 Isa 53; Jer 23:5-6; Mic 7:18-20; Acts 3:22-24, 10:43; Rom 1:2; Heb 1:1; 4 Lev 1:7; Jn 5:46; Heb 10:1-10; 5 Rom 10:4; Gal 4:4-5; Col 2:17; Heb 10:1
(taken from URC Learning)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heidelberg Catechism, Week 5

This week's installment got posted late due to life getting in the way.  Hopefully, it's received in time for us all to meditate on our Lord's Day evening this week.  I also found another translation of the catechism here at the United Reformed Church in North America's website.  As always, here is the link to the previous version of the catechism that I've used in the past.  
12. Since, then, by the righteous judgment of God we deserve temporal and eternal punishment, how may we escape this punishment and be again received into favor?
God wills that His justice be satisfied;1 therefore, we must make full satisfaction to that justice, either by ourselves or by another.2
1 Ex 20:5, 23:7; Rom 2:1-11; 2 Isa 53:11; Rom 8:3-4
13. Can we ourselves make this satisfaction?
Certainly not; on the contrary, we daily increase our guilt.1
1 Job 9:2-3, 15:15-16; Ps 130:3; Mt 6:12, 16:26; Rom 2:4-5
14. Can any mere creature make satisfaction for us?
None; for first, God will not punish any other creature for the sin which man committed;1 and further, no mere creature can sustain the burden of God’s eternal wrath against sin and redeem others from it.2
1 Ezek 18:4, 20; Heb 2:14-18; 2 Ps 130:3; Nah 1:6
15. What kind of mediator and redeemer, then, must we seek?
One who is a true1 and righteous man,2 and yet more powerful than all creatures, that is, one who is also true God.3
1 1 Cor 15:21-22, 25-26; Heb 2:17; 2 Isa 53:11; Jer 13:16; 2 Cor 5:21; Heb 7:26; 3 Isa 7:14, 9:6; Jer 23:6; Jn 1:1; Rom 8:3-4; Heb 7:15-16

Monday, October 19, 2009

College Football Week 8, and Other Sports Happenings

College Football:
Still in the Top 25!  Praying and hoping for a speedy recovery for Moe Brown, who suffered a concussion during the Carolina Alabama game this weekend. 

Also in our prayers this week are all the family and friends of UConn quarterback Jasper Howard, who was murdered this weekend.  The saddest part of the story is that he chose to go to UConn in order to get away from the violence and such in his hometown.  While there is plenty of news commentary about a young man who had potential to be a great the the NFL who was killed in his prime, I wonder how much commentary we'll have concerning a young man who was killed needlessly, period. 

Pro Wrestling:
Shane McMahon has tendered his resignation from the WWE, effective January 1, 2010.  Somehow, unlike the rest of the IWC, I'm not too shocked by this.  People leave major companies all the time.  I look forward to hearing about his next ventures, however. 

Also, AJ Styles retained the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in his match against Sting last night at Bound For Glory 2009. 


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Heidelberg Catechism, Week 4

Q. 9.
Does not God then do injustice to man, by requiring from him in his law, that which he cannot perform?
Not at all (a); for God made man capable of performing it; but man, by the instigation of the devil (b),
and his own wilful disobedience(c), deprived himself and all his posterity of those divine gifts.

(a) Eph.4:24; Eccl.7:29. (b) John 8:44; 2 Cor.11:3; Gen.3:4. (c) Gen.3:6; Rom.5:12; Gen.3:13; 1 Tim.2:13,14.

Q. 10.
Will God suffer such disobedience and rebellion to go unpunished?
By no means; but is terribly displeased (a) with our original as well as actual sins; and will punish them in his just judgment temporally and eternally (b),  as he has declared, "Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things, which are written in the book of the law, to do them (c)."

(a) Gen.2:17; Rom.5:12. (b) Ps.5:5; Ps.50:21; Nah.1:2; Exod.20:5; Exod.34:7; Rom.1:18; Eph.5:6; Heb.9:27. (c) Deut.27:26; Gal.3:10.

Q. 11.
Is not God then also merciful?
God is indeed merciful (a), but also just (b); therefore his justice requires, that sin which is committed against the most high majesty of God, be also punished with extreme, that is, with everlasting punishment of body and soul.

(a) Exod.34:6,7; Exod.20:6. (b) Ps.7:9; Exod.20:5; Exod.23:7; Exod.34:7; Ps.5:5,6; Nah.1:2,3.

Question 11 is the one that gets me this week.   With God, mercy and justice is not either/or; it's both/and.  That's one of the things that I have a hard time remembering, especially in my line of work.  As we go into another Lord's Day, I pray that we will all remember this truth, me especially.     

As always, here is a link to the entire Catechism. 

Monday, October 12, 2009


My original blogging plan was just to chronicle random interesting events in the lives of my family and talk about some of the big issues of the day—theology, politics, college football, etc.—but I’ve found that I’ve mainly been consistent with blog posts dealing with my faith as a Christian. My original plan was to balance out posts about my faith with posts about other goings-on in the world. For what it’s worth, perhaps this is a sign that I need to make a point to be more deliberate about both sharing my faith and growing in my faith.

For the record (and if you haven’t figured it out already), I am a Christian in the Reformed camp. I have examined the claims of Christ and the Christian faith in contrast with other world views, and find Christianity to not only be true, but also consistent. My faith in Christ has had a positive impact on my life, and I would encourage any of my readers who are not Christians to examine what the Christian faith entails with an open mind and heart. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I will do my best to answer them.

College Football: Week 7

Once again, my Gamecocks are in the Top 25!

Now, please, I’m BEGGIN’ ya, don’t mess up over the next few weeks! Even though we only need 1 more win to become Bowl Elligible, we want to go to a GOOD bowl game. A National Championship would be nice, but that would be asking for too much in such a short time. Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps.

We have a big game this weekend against Alabama. While I’m hoping that somehow Coach Spurrier and Co. will pull off an amazing win, the logical side of me is not all that enthusiastic. Nevertheless, I will be cheering for my Gamecocks during the game as I frantically check the scores on my cell phone during the Baby Shower I’m attending this coming Saturday. 

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Heidelberg Catechism, Week 3

Q. 6. Did God then create man so wicked and perverse?
By no means; but God created man good (a), and after his own image (b), in true righteousness and holiness, that he might rightly know God his Creator, heartily love him and live with him in eternal happiness to glorify and praise him (c). 

(a) Gen 1:31 (b) Gen 1:26,27 (c) Col.3:9,10; Eph.4:23,24; 2 Cor 3:18.

Q. 7. Whence then proceeds this depravity of human nature?
From the fall and disobedience of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in Paradise (a); hence our nature is become so corrupt, that we are all conceived and born in sin (b).

(a) Gen 3; Rom 5:12,18,19. (b) Ps.51:5; Gen 5:3.

Q. 8.
Are we then so corrupt that we are wholly incapable of doing any good, and inclined to all wickedness?
Indeed we are (a); except we are regenerated by the Spirit of God (b).

(a) Gen.8:21; John 3:6; Gen.6:5; Job 14:4; Job 15:14,16,35; Isa.53:6.
(b) John 3:3,5; 1 Cor.12:3; 2 Cor 3.5 ________________________________________________________
In addition to this week's Catechism section, here is an article that discusses the importance of catechizing children (and even older believers, too!).  And as always, I use this link as my source for the Catechism questions.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Heidelberg Catechism, Week 2

2. Lord's Day

Q. 3. Whence knowest thou thy misery?
Out of the law of God.(Rom.3:20.)

Q. 4.
What does the law of God require of us?
Christ teaches us that briefly, Matt. 22:37-40, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. This is the first and the great commandment; and the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Deut.6:5; Lev.19:18; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27).

Q. 5.
Canst thou keep all these things perfectly?
In no wise; for I am prone by nature to hate God and my neighbour.

(Rom.3:10,20,23; 1 John 1:8,10. Rom.8:7; Eph.2:3; Tit.3:3;
Gen.6:5; Gen.8:21; Jer.17:9; Rom.7:23)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Heidelberg Catechism, Week 1

On Sundays, I am going to post the Heidelberg Catechism as a means to help myself (and maybe my readers) prepare for the LORD's Day and Sunday Worship.  Here's a Link to the entire Confession.  Please note that the letters at the end indicate Scripture references for each point of the Confession. 

1. Lord's Day

Question 1. What is thy only comfort in life and death?
That I with body and soul, both in life and death, (a)
am not my own, (b)
but belong unto my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ; (c)
who, with his precious blood, has fully satisfied for all my sins, (d)
and delivered me from all the power of the devil; (e)
and so preserves me (f)
that without the will of my heavenly Father, not a hair can fall from my head; (g)
yea, that all things must be subservient to my salvation, (h)
and therefore, by his Holy Spirit, He also assures me of eternal life, (i)
and makes me sincerely willing and ready, henceforth, to live unto him. (j)

(a) Rom.14:7,8.
(b) 1 Cor.6:19.
(c) 1 Cor.3:23; Tit.2:14.
(d) 1 Peter 1:18,19; 1 John 1:7; 1 John 2:2,12.
(e) Heb.2:14; 1 John 3:8; John 8:34,35,36.
(f) John 6:39; John 10:28; 2 Thess.3:3;1 Pet 1:5.
(g)Matt.10:29-31; Luke 21:18.
(h) Rom.8:28.
(i) 2 Cor.1:20-22; 2 Cor.5:5;Eph.1:13,14; Rom.8:16.
(j) Rom.8:14; 1 John 3:3. 

Q. 2.
How many things are necessary for thee to know, that thou, enjoying this comfort, mayest live and die happily?
Three; (a)
the first, how great my sins and miseries are; (b)
the second, how I may be delivered from all my sins and miseries; (c)
the third, how I shall express my gratitude to God for such
deliverance. (d)

(a) Matt.11:28-30; Luke 24:46-48; 1 Cor.6:11; Tit.3:3-7.
(b) John 9:40, 41; John 15:22.
(c) John 17:3; Acts 4:12; Acts 10:43.
(d) Ephesians 5:8, 9, 10, 11; 1 Peter 2:9,10; Rom.6:1,2,12,13.

Monday, September 21, 2009

College Football: Week 4

The Week 4 RankingWeek 4 Rankings are out.  Nothing really surprising, though. 

I've always found it interesting how the AP and USA Polls both claim to be the top 25 in the nation, yet are always different.  I know that most of the polls are based on coach's recommendations, "difficulty of season," etc., but whatever happened to good ol' win/loss/tie records? (BTW: If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm not a fan of coaches' polls or the BCS system.  I'm all for playoffs in College football, especially for the chance to see SC State, a semi-powerhouse in the MEAC, will do against an SEC powerhouse like Georgia or Alabama.  I'm kinda tired of seeing the same old schools in the BCS bowls at the end of the season).  

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Special Saturday

Today was a special Saturday, for three reasons:

1).  Jenn and I drove to Charlotte to spend some time with her parents.  It was great to see Mom and Dad again and to talk theology, politics, and movies with them.  They moved to Ohio several months again, and we miss them much. (by the way, Dad, that movie featuring Sho Nuff, the Shogun of Harlem, is called The Last Dragon).

2).  Tim and Bonnie, dear friends of ours and people that we consider extended family, just brought home their baby girl, Libby Marie.  This is their first little one, and she's been a long time coming.  I have no doubt that little Libby will grow up in a loving home, and that T&B will be GREAT parents.   

3).  Last--but not least--today is the 12th anniversary of the death of Rich Mullins, a Christian singer who has truly impacted the lives of believers everywhere, myself included.  A number of his worship songs, such as Awesome God and Sometimes by Step are still sung in churches today.  In honor of him, and to help us prepare for the Lord's Day, below is one of his more lesser known songs.  It serves as a reminder to all Christians that despite our differences, there are some bottom line truths to which we all must agree.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

How Do I Use a Study Bible?

Al Mohler has a great article on How to use Study Bibles.  He also recommends some of his favorites. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rome wasn't built in a Day, so...

I've been putting off my study in the book of Romans for nearly a month. I read the book back in 2004/2005 while the LORD was working in my heart and healing me from a number of emotional issues and bad theology. I've had a desire to get back into it for some time now, but life has gotten in the way. However, thanks to our pastor's sermon series on Romans 12:1-2, I'm encouraged to make the time to really get started.

Along with life getting in the way, I think I had too many rules for my study (how many outside resources I was allowed to use, putting myself on a detailed, weekly schedule for each chapter, etc.), and I think that overwhelmed and discouraged me from getting started when I finally sat down to do it.

I've come to a realization: if John Piper and Bethlehem Baptist took nine (yes, NINE!) years to get through the book of Romans, I should really take my time and absorb the book and try to see and hear what it's saying to me now, and take steps to apply it to my life.

So, all the strict rules and guidelines I had before are G-O-N-E, gone. Here's my plan:

1). I'm going to read through the book at least once. I'm using my ESV Reformation Study Bible as my main reading Bible, and I'm looking at footnotes and the reference articles as needed, and only if the articles fit in with what Paul writing about at the moment (for example, how Romans 8:31-40 tie in with the articles on Perseverance of the Saints and Election).

I also have a pen with me so I can underline or circle specific verses in each chapter that I want to take a special look at when I go through it more in depth.

2). After I read through the entire book once, I'll then start studying Chapter by Chapter. I have 4 good commentaries I plan to use (Stott, Murray, Henry, and McGee), and also several Bible dictionaries and translations handy (thanks to theWord Bible software and good ol' Bible Gateway). I plan to use all of these on an as-needed basis.

3). I am going to do an outline of the book based on what I learn.

I originally had a long, specific timeline of when I wanted to be done with all of this, but then I realized that if I focus on time frames with this study, then I'll lose out on what's really important about the book of Romans.

I may even write a blog or two about it. :-)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Talk about Procrastination

I started this blog back in April with plans of doing random weekly updates of random things going on in my life. You know what they say about good intentions...

Anyway, starting this week, I plan to truly get into blogging more often. Some of it will be fun stuff (like my Annual Don Myrick Respect Fest), and some will be more serious (such as discussions of things I'm passionate about--like child abuse and neglect issues and Theology), and some stuff will be...well..just stuff.

So stick's gonna be a fun ride.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The First One

Welcome to my Blog! Since this is my first post, I'm not going to say much, but hopefully over time I'll make a post or two...or get the idea.